Alan T. Sugiyama High School

Alan T. Sugiyama
High School

Learn Why Students Love Alan T. Sugiyama High School!

Summary : Students feel a sense of belonging and that their voices are heard.

Fall 2023 Student Climate Survey

Seattle Public Schools uses School Climate Surveys to identify areas for school-level improvements. Climate surveys are given to all staff, students, and families each year. The staff and student surveys are given in-person at school and the family survey occurs in the spring.

The Fall 2023 results indicate that students at Alan T. Sugiyama High School at South Lake (ATS) feel that their school is a safe place to learn and their voices are heard.

Review Survey Results

To access and review all the ATS student climate survey results:

  1. Go to the SPS Climate Survey Portal
  2. Click 106 Schools
  3. Start typing “South Lake” and then select it when it appears in the drop-down menu. The survey results will open automatically.
    • Note: South Lake is the former name of Alan T. Sugiyama High School
screenshot of climate survey website. see text on page for more information